Sunday, May 28, 2023

Concerns Regarding Lack of 5G Service by Verizon in Roanoke and Lynchburg - Isn't 750,000 Potential Customers Enough?

Federal Communications Commission 

445 12th Street SW 

Washington, D.C. 20554

May 27, 2023

Dear Commissioners,

I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to express a serious concern on behalf of the residents of Roanoke and Lynchburg, Virginia, pertaining to the apparent lack of commitment by Verizon to upgrade its service to 5G in our region.

The transformative potential of 5G technology is no secret. It is understood and eagerly anticipated by consumers and businesses alike. However, in our region, we are yet to experience the benefits of this technology due to the lack of implementation by Verizon, one of the leading telecom providers.

While other areas are making strides toward a technologically advanced future, we find ourselves being left behind. This disparity in services, particularly in an era of such rapid technological progression, is disappointing and detrimental to our communities' social and economic development.

Please allow me to remind the FCC that the bandwidth Verizon and other carriers use for these services comprises public airwaves. As such, we, the public, have a right to voice our concerns regarding how these resources are utilized or in Verizon's case, how they are noticeably absent.

The citizens of Roanoke and Lynchburg are more than mere subscribers; we are stakeholders in this digital landscape and should, therefore, expect more from our telecom providers. This expectation extends beyond the boundaries of customer service to include the provision of advanced and equitable infrastructure.

Therefore, the FCC should call for all major telecom providers utilizing these public airwaves to publish their deployment schedules transparently. This initiative will not only foster accountability but also give the public an understanding of the progress made in providing 5G services.

Furthermore, it would be reasonable for the FCC to consider imposing sanctions on carriers who have held licenses for three or more years and have made no progress in upgrading their services in the areas for which they hold the licenses. A possible sanction could be the forfeiture of the license for the under-served area.

I sincerely hope that the FCC, as a guardian of public interests in the realm of telecommunications, will take our concerns into account and make the necessary interventions. The residents of Roanoke and Lynchburg eagerly await the realization of a 5G future and trust that the FCC will assist us in holding our telecom providers accountable.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

William Amos

P.O. Box 39

Union Hall, Virginia 24176

cc:  Senator Mark R. Warner 703 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

Senator Tim Kaine 231 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510

Representative Morgan Griffith 2202 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515

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